The Center of Bioresonance and Nutrition North Hellas “Bio-Exelixis” was founded in 2016 at Thessaloniki by Giota Papadopoulou, Dentist MuDr and Certified Bioresonance Technology Expert on the applications of bioresonance and orthomolecular dietary supplements.
A year later, in 2017, a 2nd Center “Bio-Exelixis” was founded in Katerini.
Ms Papadopoulou studied Dentistry (MuDr) at Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), is a certified Consultant of Orthomolecular Nutrition Medicine, a member of DetaMed Europe and a member of Greek Therapist Union (ΠΑΣΕΜΕΘ).
The centers “Bio-Exelixis” were founded with the goal to provide the highest level of holistic medicinal approach based on Bioresonance, healthy diet and the highest quality of nutrition supplements.

Our vision is to provide people with the best guidelines in order to achieve a healthy, illness-free life-style through the highest level of physical and psychological health avoiding unhealthy habits.
That is why we use personalized bioresonance tests and personalized nutritional-habits questionnaires in order to determine the best individual approach for each case.
Furthermore, the centers Bio-Exelixis are specialized in guidelines and applications of bioresonance technology and highest quality of beauty and cosmetic products designed for best results for our skin.

The centers “Bio-Exelixis” collaborate with DetaElis Holding, a leading company in the field of bioresonance technology.
“The DETA ELIS HOLDING group is a certified and recognized group of companies, activated in manufacturing and promoting electronic wellness devices, based on the principles of bioresonance, but it also offers educational services related to the technology that applies to these specific products (Bioresonance therapy).
The beginning of the course of the company was the construction of the first bioresonance devices aimed at health professionals in 1992. In 1998 Russia’s Health Ministry granted permission to the company to conduct medical examinations in public hospitals.
After twenty years of scientific research, portable bioresonance devices have been manufactured, which are worldwide patented. The company, based on the great technological breakthrough of the mobile devices and under the inspired leadership of the founders, Konopliova Tatiana and Roman Novikov, chose the network marketing as the way to promote the devices, transferred its headquarters in Fulda, Germany.”
The Holistic Wellness Centers "Bio-Exelixis" have apart from a diagnostic-advisory character, a commercial character as well. You can purchase from us bioresonance devices, for personal and/or professional use, nutritional and hydration supplements, as well as specialized ointments and medicinal tinctures. Furthermore, we develop a network of partners in Greece and abroad, who share the same passion for improving everyday modern way of life. Our motto is seeking "well-being" through prevention and the cultivating awareness of proper nutrition, hydration, exercise and care of thy self.
General/Promotion Manager and Business Director of the centers “Bio-Exelixis” is Mr Konstantinos Panagiotis.

Giota Papadopoulou
- Studied Dentistry (MuDr) at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Has been working as a dentist at her private practice in Katerini since 2005
- She is a Certified Bioresonance Technology Expert on the applications of bioresonance and a Member of DetaMed Europe
- She is a certified Consultant of Orthomolecular Nutrition Medicine
- She is the Founder and Scientific Consultant of the centers “Bio-Exelixis”
- She is a member of Greek Therapist Union (ΠΑΣΕΜΕΘ).

Konstantinos Panagiotis
- Studied Engineering of Forestry and Natural Environment at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- He founded and worked as a Karate Instructor (3rd Dan) at his own private Karate School in Thessaloniki during the period of 1994-2007
- Has been in the MLM Business since 2010
- He is a Consultant in various athletic clubs in order to enhance athletes’ performance by the use of proper supplements and bioresonance applications
- He is the co-founder and General Manager of the centers “Bio-Exelixis”.
- He is a Certified Consultant of Orthomolecular Nutrition Supplements
- He is a member of Greek Therapist Union (ΠΑΣΕΜΕΘ).
Special studies-courses-certificates-diplomas:
- Specialist in Sports Nutrition at Fahad Academy for Biology-FAB
- Specialist in Sports Nutrition at Udemy
Food science and nutrition at FutureLearn
Nutritional Sciences at New Skills Academy International
Nutrition and Hydration at New Skills Academy International
Herbal Health at New Skills Academy International
Holistic Health at New Skills Academy International
Orthomolecular Nutrition Consultant at
Orthomolecular Nutrition Company -
Child protection in Sports at New Skills Academy International
- Physical Health at New Skills Academy International
- Life Coaching Certification at New Skills Academy International
- International Business Management at Europe Academy of London, Great Britain – UK
Strategic Human Resource Management at IBMI – International Business Management Institute
- Leadership, Team building , Self confidence at IBMI – International Business Management Institute
- Level 3 Child & Adolescent Psychology Diploma at New Skills Academy International

Μαριάνθη Παπαδοπούλου
- Σπούδασε σχεδίαση και κατασκευή χειροποίητου κοσμήματος στο London Guildhall University στην Αγγλία
- Σπούδασε ‘Βοηθός Γενικής Νοσηλείας’ στο ΔΙΕΚ Κατερίνης
- Είναι πιστοποιημένη εκπαιδεύτρια του ERC (European Resuscitation Council) (Πανευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο Αναζωογόνησης) σε BLS & AED (Βασική Υποστήριξη Ζωής και χρήση Αυτόματου Εξωτερικού Απινιδωτή)
- Έχει ξεκινήσει την εκπαίδευση της στα Ανθοϊάματα Bach (έχει ήδη ολοκληρώσει με επιτυχία την εκπαίδευση του Level 1)
- Έχει κάνει σεμινάρια του ΠΟΕΠ με θέματα «Ηλεκτροβελονισμός», «Αντιμετώπιση Διαστρέμματος» και «Αντιμετώπιση μυϊκού σπασμού/κράμπας».
- Έχει πιστοποιηθεί στον 1ο κύκλο εκπαίδευσης βιοσυντονισμού της εταιρείας Deta Elis Holding.
- Πιστοποιημένο μέλος της ΠΑΣΕΜΕΘ (Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Επαγγελματιών Μάλαξης & Εναλλακτικών Θεραπευτών).
- Μέλος της ΙΑΜΑ.